Sunday, June 1, 2008

Shaking n Moving...!!!

Whats going on world...Its ya man Ptoda...Im real excited about what 08' has to offer me. I've been performing at showcases, parties, and whatever venues have microphones all year. Theres a lot of talk about people grinding and getting no sleep... people want us to know so badly that they hustlin...Yeah i think that entire concept is BS...I do believe in having a strong work ethic and being consistent as far as progress but to get no sleep means to loose a sense of the moment...if you are tired and not thinking straight you can't be innovative enough to break boundries...or creative anything ground breaking so why all these artist are trying to prove they get no sleep and ive been up 30 hours yesterday, im proud of the fact that ive had plenty of rest...ive gone days without sleep, not smart at all...anybody that has really gone days without sleep has faced the breakdown and thats something i never want to feel again...i passed out...and was sent to the emergency room for an entire day...So while im trying to prove im grinding and working....i just lost over 24 hours of opportunity time because of a stupid choice not to all you other artist do you...stay up late...i'll be sleep and up eariler than you following the market...doing my homework...and passing you up...Chao...!!!

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